Month: July 2023

Gentoo Studio shall not die

Yeah. I appreciate the friends I have in the Gentoo community. Why let the unhappy devs of Gentoo dictate what I do? Gentoo Studio shall live. I’m motivated now to expand it. So… Stay tuned for updates as they happen.

RIP Gentoo Studio – or not?

(Update: I may continue with Gentoo Studio. Talking with a few good folks on #gentoostudio got me thinking maybe I’ll take a break and get back to it. It seems Gentoo devs are well-known to be not very nice, and that there’s at least one Big Cheese at Gentoo who sympathizes and wants Gentoo Studio…

July 2023 Update

Just noting a few changes. Added links to the package names in the app list on the home page. This is done by a script, so if the “Homepage” line of the package metadata contains more than one URL, the link won’t work correctly. I’ll work this out eventually. Musescore and Frescobaldi have been removed…